Saturday, October 29, 2005

Solutions for auto dealers facing a soft market.

The auto industry is facing a slow down that could leave many auto dealerships with empty showrooms and no profits. However, an important article has been written recently, featuring information on how auto dealers should advertise in the upcoming market. As the article states, for the auto dealers that address the soft market with an "Action NOT Reaction" plan, there are profits to be made; even during this soft auto market.

The article is titled, "Solution for a potentially desperate financial situation facing the auto industry"

The auto industry article can be read by clicking the title above.

If you have any questions about the article or auto promotions, call Dan Ryan at: 714-397-5515.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Auto Dealerships hit record sales

The success of the auto event at Wolfe Chevrolet was in part due to the internet campaign. The slash-it auto promotions web portal generated 280 hits! The number of hits demonstrates the interest that was surrounding the auto promotion. Also, Beford Pre Owned Superstore had a fantastic auto event and promotion with their web portal generating 136 hits for the weekend.