Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Used Cars For Sale In Fort Pierce Florida

Bev Smith Toyota is the place to save on new and used cars. For four days, Dec. 10, 2009-Dec. 13, 2009 customers can save 20%-50% off retail prices. There will be a total of four cars slashed to $88, but at these low prices you have to get here early -first come, first served.

used cars for sale in fort peirce fl

The event is being held at Bev Smith Toyota, 3350 S. US 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 (800-731-1969). We will be slashing prices for four days only:
  • Thursday, Dec. 10 from 2pm-8pm
  • Friday, Dec. 11 from 2pm-8pm
  • Saturday, Dec. 12 from 12noon-8pm
  • Sunday, Dec. 13 from 11am-8pm

find used cars in florida

When the event starts customers can inspect the inventory for one hour. After the viewing time is over, the customer behind the wheel at the time the car, truck, van or suv is slashed will be the first person with the opportunity to buy that car.

cheap used cars for sale in fort pierce florida

During the event, at least one car a day will be sold for only $88! These are crazy low prices, so if you are in the market for a new or used car make sure to visit Bev Smith Toyota during the event.

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